Lord Mushroom
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Good of you to visit with us. I'll be brief. Every Frugie is a card-carrying member of the Frugie Philharmonic. When we're not on the road with the orchestra, we're usually at Spritzer's. I'm the maitre d'. I can tell you it's an interesting place - sort of like Cheers for fruits and vegetables. Behind the bar, Adam Apple serves up designer waters in spray bottles along with all kinds of stories about his patriotic adventures. Madam Carla Carrot sees into the future and has a corner in the back where she does fortune telling. Peach Velour and Rudy Potato are the house musicians and love the spotlight. Suzy Strawberry? Well, she's the daintiest Valley Girl ballerina waitress you've ever seen. Things only get out of hand when Banana Skip, shows up. I can't tell you how many times he's dropped in front of Suzy only to have her slip and throw big trays of food all over the customers. What a racket! And to make matters worse, big, bumbling Wally Watermelon, who's in maintenance, comes over to clean up - and then, well, don't ask! It's a happy place, though, except when Onion Joy gets going. The slightest things make her cry and when she cries, everyone cries! Fortunately, Tina Tomato, who's in counseling because of an identity problem, knows enough psychology to snap her out of it and then everything returns to normal. The rest of the gang are regulars ordering from Pepe L'Pepper's sacred recipe file and watch out if you send your food back for any reason. Pepe's a great chef but a lousy Frugie person! Oh, I started keeping a blog where you'll read about our performances, Adam's army adventure in Tanzania, how we crashed a wedding on our jet-skis, and about a brewing lawsuit that promises a courtroom full of Frugies. Heaven help the judge. The blog is at http://www.frugies.blogspot.com/. Anyway, for more information about The Frugies, you can contact Mort Drucker and Mitchell Erick by calling 407-694-5210.

Licensing The Bandwagon